Learning The 5 Essentials For Preparing A Virtual AGM In Singapore

The era when the global pandemic started was also the same age when many online events occurred. Be it an annual general meeting (AGM), conference, team assembly, summit, or webinar in Singapore. The COVID-19 pandemic was the primary culprit of an unprecedented rise in the number of virtual events across the globe, including how corporations hold their AGMs.
The year 2023 is almost nearing, meaning it’s time for another annual general meeting, and companies only have a month or less to prepare for holding their virtual AGM in Singapore. These online events and approaches have become a good venture and accelerant for corporations to utilise digital solutions and explore hybrid and virtual setups.
Whether you’re planning on holding a virtual or hybrid AGM in Singapore, here are the essentials you need to work on and accomplish.
Besides working on the photographer and video production in Singapore, you are responsible for sending out the AGM notice, which should have the crucial information, such as the date, location, resolutions, summary, and copies of corporate documents—financial files, dividend declaration, ratification reports, and the like. Whether you’re the business owner handing out memos or you have a secretary, a written AGM notice must get circulated and sent out to the shareholders at least three to four weeks before the target AGM date. Generally, that schedule works for most countries, but for Singapore, everyone must receive the notice at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
Whether a hybrid or virtual AGM in Singapore, it is crucial that your company strictly complies with the laws, policies, and statutory obligations prior to the meeting.
A hybrid AGM in Singapore requires physical and online attendance, compared to virtual ones. If your company is hosting a hybrid meeting, it is essential to look for a place ideal for social distancing and, at the same time, can accommodate technical equipment and the number of guests.
Another thing to avoid overlooking is the AGM platform your company will use. To seamlessly hold your hybrid or virtual AGM in Singapore, you need to have an online platform where your board members and shareholders can meet and engage remotely. Choose a digital solution that provides good online features, such as live Q&A, live chat box, hassle-free workflow, live voting, good security, and real-time webcasting.
When hosting a virtual or hybrid AGM in Singapore, the participants attending matter the most, including the board directors, business owners, the company secretary, senior executives, shareholders, legal representatives, the company auditor, the company consultant, and a financial specialist.
Companies, especially business owners, have the duty and responsibility to ensure everyone involved in the corporation, especially board members and shareholders, get informed about the decisions made and the course of action for the upcoming year. You can organise this through a hybrid or virtual AGM in Singapore. Doing so can help ensure that everyone gets aligned with everything.
In dire need of help with holding your 2022 virtual AGM in Singapore? Contact Will Dylan and their team today!